Hi there, my name is Oshri Cohen, I am the founder of RedCorner. I am a 20+ year veteran of the software development industry. I have fulfilled nearly every role in a technical organization from a junior developer all the way through to CTO and everything in between. RedCorner is my answer to the fractured and misunderstood role of the CTO.
Why I built RedCorner
Having been CTO, VP of Engineering, director of engineering and every other role down to a junior developer, I realized something interesting. Every company had a different definition of what a CTO did, and this was odd because, as a developer, your role is reasonably well defined.
This divergence in responsibilities was not limited to company size, as I found out that even within startups, the role of the CTO can be dramatically different.
These differences have led to havoc within executive circles; CTOs with a high salary, bonus, and, more often than not, a generous equity package fail to live up to expectations because the expectations are misaligned.
I created RedCorner after spending years as a Fractional-CTO; I identified the pattern that formed the basis of RedCorner. The role of the CTO evolves dramatically over 4 phases of any startup and business; in the startup world, each phase could last as short as one year. A phase 1 CTO must be an excellent engineer; in phase 2, this engineer must evolve into a manager and then in phase 3, a leader and finally an innovator.
The problem is that engineering, management and leadership each require dramatically different skill sets, and the short time between the phases can overwhelm the CTO, which leads to an average tenure of 2 years.
As such, the Red Corder CTO As A Service was created to solve the needs of businesses that don't need a full-time CTO and for the first 3 phases of a startup.
Oshri Cohen
Founder, RedCorner